home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Friday, April 20, 2012 - Page 4 of 81 - << previous page : next page >>
We lucked out and our room was ready so stopped by to drop off some bags.  There is now free wi-fi at Pop Century.
We lucked out and our room was ready so stopped by to drop off some bags. There is now free wi-fi at Pop Century. Click to switch to large image view
As well as mini-fridge in the room.
As well as mini-fridge in the room. Click to switch to large image view
Then it was off to Cross Roads for some groceries.  While walking to the bus noticed this truck out front of Pop Century.  It was a Disney version of AAA for the buses.
Then it was off to Cross Roads for some groceries. While walking to the bus noticed this truck out front of Pop Century. It was a Disney version of AAA for the buses. Click to switch to large image view
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